Health, Wellness, Lifestyle – CNYHealingArts Sat, 01 Jul 2023 17:56:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Yoga Pose Series: The Health Benefits of Tadasana (Mountain Pose) Mon, 13 Apr 2015 00:00:00 +0000 yoga cny healing artsTadasana, or Mountain Pose, is a basic standing posture and is, therefore, the foundation for all others. Physically, it helps to create space within the body, allowing internal organs to work more efficiently. This can drastically improve respiration as well as digestion and circulation. Mentally, it leaves its users invigorated and motivated, making it perfect for an early A.M. yoga session.

So, start the day with Tadasana! Or, if you would rather receive instruction from a licensed practitioner, check out our yoga class schedule for each branch of CNY Healing Arts.

Getting Into Mountain Pose:

Stand erect with the bases of your big toes touching, heels slightly apart. Do not lock your knees and let your arms hang loosely at your sides. Lift and spread the toes and balls of your feet, then let them drop to the floor creating a wide, solid base.

Practice distributing your weight evenly around your feet, not just on your toes or heels. You should feel stability from all four corners of both feet. Strengthen this base by rocking back and forth, side to side. A strong base is essential to Tadasana. Gradually slow your swaying and come to a standstill. Feel yourself being supported by the floor.

Now comes the recognition and toning of several core muscles. Start by breathing deep and steady. Inhale slowly and flex your thighs without hardening your lower belly. Your kneecap will rise when you contract your quad, which is a sign that you are flexing correctly. Next you will engage your sit bones (literally the bones on which you sit). Rotate your thighs inward to automatically widen your sit bones. Once you’ve done this, lengthen your tailbone towards the floor so that it rests between your sit bones.

Your core is the group of muscles around your stomach and is where you maintain your body’s balance and control. Contract your core muscles to increase stability. Keep your posture erect. Press your shoulder blades into your back, then widen them across and release them down the back. Your shoulders should be parallel to your pelvis.

Without puffing your front ribs forward, lift the top of your sternum straight up towards the sky, widening your collarbone. Keeping your shoulders wide and your spine straight, elongate your neck so that the crown of your head rises toward the ceiling. Stay in this posture for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deep and easy. To intensify this posture, try going through all prior stretching and flexing with eyes closed.

Benefits of Mountain Pose:

  • Improves posture
  • Strengthens thighs, knees, and ankles
  • Increases awareness
  • Steadies breathing
  • Increases strength, power, and mobility in the feet, legs, and hips
  • Firms abdomen and buttocks
  • Relieves sciatica
  • Reduces flat feet
  • Develops strength and flexibility simultaneously, especially in the spine
  • Relieves tension, aches, and pains throughout the body
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Encourages healthy digestion and elimination
  • Leaves you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated
  • Expels dullness and depression
  • Harmonizes the body and mind
  • Increases energy and enthusiasm
Spring into Wellness: Hot Stone Massage and Citrus Body Scrub Tue, 07 Apr 2015 00:00:00 +0000 At CNY Healing Arts Wellness Center & Spa we have just what you need to begin this new Spring season: A Citrus Body Scrub or Hot Stone Massage!! Call us today and book an appointment. You’ll feel fresh, new, and ready for Spring!

Our Signature Citrus Body Scrub:  Enhance your natural radiance! Our Body scrub is a wonderful way of cleaning, softening and moisturizing your skin while allowing more well being and peace into your life. This treatment includes an invigorating application of your choice of Organic Sugar or Dead Sea Salt infused with citrus oils to promote clarity of thought, and total refreshment for the body and mind.  A customized hydrating massage with our Citrus Cream follows your scrub application. A special treatment that will leave you feeling balanced & refreshed with a natural healthy glow!

Hot Stone Massage:  Indulge in this deeply relaxing and grounding spa experience. Heated basalt lava stones are massaged into the muscles, warming the tissue while melting tension away. Our oil is applied with long flowing strokes throughout the body incorporating the warmed stones for deep ease and warmth.  Emerge feeling renewed, relaxed and rejuvenated.

Syracuse location, call 315-671-5755.
Rochester location, call 585.244.1280 ext. 2.

Please note that not all services are available at all locations. Visit our rates page to view services offered per location.

Enjoy a Body Scrub: Exfoliation for Healthy Skin Wed, 01 Apr 2015 00:00:00 +0000 Citrus Body Scrub - Syracuse CNY Healing ArtsDuring the winter months, your skin can become dry and itchy. With the heaters running all the time in our homes and vehicles, the moisture in the air gets removed – and tends to zap the moisture in our skin as well!

A little extra TLC can go a long way in taking good care of your skin.  Make sure that you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water; and try to take warm (not hot), short showers, and keep up with exfoliating and moisturizing your skin.

Our skin cells are constantly renewing themselves, but sometimes the old skin cells stay on the top of the skin making it appear dry and flaky.  When adding moisturizer on top of this skin, it just sits there and does not ‘sink’ into the skin. This is why exfoliation is so important.

A Body Scrub from CNY Healing Arts is the perfect remedy, and the best way to renew that smooth and glowing skin of yours.  When moisturizer is applied to your freshly exfoliated skin, it can work its way into the pores to allow it to soften and retain moisture.  This moisture that is then in the skin also helps to build a barrier to external elements.

Whether you just want to get your skin in top shape or you have a special occasion coming up, give us a call at CNY Healing Arts Center and let us help customize a body treatment that’s right for you!

All services are not offered at all locations, Body Scrubs only offered at our Syracuse Location

Please call the location nearest to you to inquire about any service you’re interested in booking:

195 Intrepid Lane, Syracuse, NY 13205

Couples Massage: Restore Romance Wed, 25 Mar 2015 00:00:00 +0000 couples massage at CNY Healing Arts - Latham, Syracuse & RochesterHas the harsh winter weather taken a toll on your relationship? With so much incessant snow, it is easy to forgo the activities you typically enjoy with your special someone. When was the last time you enjoyed time out with your loved one that did not involve piling on layers, struggling to find a parking space, and braving the squalls and falls of the latest snowstorm?

If you would rather take full pleasure in precious time spent with your significant other, we at CNY Healing Arts recommend a relaxing couples massage at our Wellness Center and Spa.

Don’t wait around for the snow to melt to rekindle your flame. Join us at the Center to benefit from all that we have to offer you. With the purchase of a Couples Massage, you and your special somebody can come early for or stay late after your appointment and benefit from free spa amenities. Offerings vary by location and may or may not include the lavish aquaterrace, sauna, and hot steam showers.

happy couple warming up in sauna after spa treatment at CNY Healing Arts CenterBook your next romantic rendezvous today! After a long, arduous winter, relishing together in Hot Stone Massages may be precisely what you need to reawaken that dormant drive for one another – fostering the desire for a fresh spring excursion. Couples can also enjoy Customized Massages, Hot Poultice Massages, and more! Click here for more details on our massage services.

NOTE: All services are not available at all locations. Check with your local CNY Healing Arts Center ahead of time so we can accommodate you!

195 Intrepid Lane, Syracuse, NY 13205

38A Old Sparrowbush Road, Latham, NY 12110

2244 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14610
585.244.1280 ext. 2

Stronger Body, Blissful Mind with Acupuncture Fri, 02 Jan 2015 00:00:00 +0000 Picture this: You’re lying in a quiet, peaceful room; your mind is at ease, and your body is relaxed. This is what acupuncture feels like. While you’re in this blissful state, you’re also helping to defend your body against colds and other illnesses. That’s because acupuncture is a preventative eastern medicine which boosts the immune system.

Typically, October-May is cold and flu season. Feeling run down and stressed out (especially during the busy holiday season) adds to the problem by weakening our immunity. If we have already felt overwhelmed to begin with, this can lead to chronic stress. Acupuncture can help us cope with stress, therefore, helping our bodies stay strong to fight off bacterial and viral invaders.

The acupuncture needles are extremely small, thin, and flexible (they’re roughly the diameter of two hairs or much like the diameter of a cat’s whisker!). Many clients state that they don’t feel anything at all or an ever so slight sensation when the needles are inserted. The trained and experienced acupuncturists at CNY Healing Arts Centers can help you to first feel calm through various needle insertions, and then the body follows in a very relaxed state.

The energy or ‘Qi’ in the body begins to travel more effectively, heart rate is lowered, and breathing tends to slow down as the body becomes relaxed and the energy becomes balanced.

The increased levels of cortisol that we have during times of stress decrease with acupuncture. When this occurs our body does what it’s supposed to do—fight off infections. Acupuncture also helps our immune system by increasing serotonin and endogenous opioid peptide levels which are like the body’s natural pain killers, as well as easing muscle tension. Many people note that they feel increased energy after an acupuncture session.

Give CNY Healing Arts location nearest you to start receiving all of the benefits that acupuncture has to offer.

195 Intrepid Lane, Syracuse, NY 13205

38A Old Sparrowbush Road, Latham, NY 12110

2244 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14610
585.244.1280 ext. 2


Massage for Summer Allergies Tue, 12 Aug 2014 00:00:00 +0000 More than 2/3 of people suffer from year-round allergies.  Summer is here and we’re picnicking in the grass, the beautiful flowers are blooming around us, and we’re spending more time outdoors—it’s all part of fabulous summer!  For those who have allergies, though, it can become a challenge.   

As the summer months progress, ragweed or hay fever allergies tend to rise.  The body’s natural defense is to produce excess mucous which often creates nasal congestion and red, itchy eyes which can all lead to fatigue (and frustration)!  Working outdoors with plants and in gardens can expose people to mold spores that are contained on the plants themselves and in the soil.  Mold spores can also increase indoors during the hot, humid months of summer in basements, and on floors and walls in bathroom and kitchen areas.  Even cats and dogs, our ‘fur friends’, are shedding their coats this time of year which can aggravate those with pet dander allergies as well. 

Stress and allergies sometimes go hand in hand.  When the body is under stress, it reacts in an exaggerated response to allergens.  The body fights the allergens with coughing, sneezing, wheezing which can put greater stress on the body creating a vicious cycle!  This is because stress increases the adrenal gland’s production of cortisol triggers the sympathetic nervous system to create extra epinephrine and norepinephrine, decreasing the effectiveness of the immune system. 

Massage for allergies is a great way to get soothing relief.  Massage can help the body’s reaction to the allergens.  Many of the trigger points for the sinuses are located in the upper back and shoulder which are massaged for relief.  Headaches and congestion can also be relived through this procedure. 

CNY Healing Arts Centers provide relaxing massages that can help alleviate your allergy symptoms, as well as to reduce stress and increase your body’s immune system.  For more information, please contact one of our centers nearest you: 

195 Intrepid Lane, Syracuse, NY 13205

38A Old Sparrowbush Road, Latham, NY 12110

2244 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14610
585.244.1280 ext. 2 



Sun Damage to Your Skin IS Reversible! Sat, 26 Jul 2014 00:00:00 +0000

sun damage to skin is reversible - CNY Healing Arts AlbanyNo matter how hard you try to protect your skin with SPF, UV rays still manage to make their mark during the summer months. The sun strips away moisture and increases pigment-making cells, leaving the skin dull, dehydrated, and uneven, and when the skin is dry, fine lines are more noticeable. It can also cause irritation, acne, seborrhea and the like.

What’s the good news? Sun damage can be reversed and remedied through utilizing cutting edge treatments that can be targeted to specific post-sun exposure damage. These treatments will put you on a path toward healthier and better looking skin.

The start of a new season is a perfect time to begin the process of rejuvenation and regeneration for your skin with one of our skin care specialists at CNY Healing Arts.

We invite you to call this week and schedule an appointment with your skin care professional. It’s a great time to begin your journey to younger, healthier and more beautiful looking skin.

Warm regards,

View our service rates HERE. 

Massage: The Perfect Remedy Wed, 30 Apr 2014 00:00:00 +0000 Massage Therapy at CNY Healing Arts Wellness CenterMassage is a touch therapy that is not only a wonderfully pleasurable and relaxing experience, but also brings with it countless health benefits. A massage session can relieve tension in the body, calm the mind, and nourish the soul, bringing healing on a number of levels simultaneously. An extensive body of research supports the therapeutic claims of massage, with growing evidence that it can contribute to the relief of conditions such as stress, depression, and anxiety. It can also assist with self esteem, release emotional blocks, increase mental clarity, and help you connect to your “inner light”. Having a massage can be relaxing and refreshing leaving you feeling connected and balanced. It is about taking time out to restore harmony and well-being so that you feel ready to take on the world again.

On a physiological level, massage affects all the body systems, resulting in improved general functioning, as well as relieving specific conditions throughout the body. Massage causes breathing to deepen and the blood vessels and capillaries to dilate, which boosts circulation and helps oxygenate the blood. Improved circulation also means that vital nutrients are carried around the body more effectively, while temporarily reducing blood pressure and pulse rate.

The massage therapista at CNY Healing Arts are highly trained and experienced in massage therapy. We customize your session for you. Whether you are looking for a Deep Tissue Massage for relieving chronic areas of muscle tension and stress, or a Relaxation Massage to gently unwind and rejuvenate your mind and body, we have just what you need. We also feature our Signature Citrus Body Scrub and our soothing Hot Stone Massage to take your relaxation to the next level. Come early or stay after your session to enjoy our state of the art spa facility, with saunas, steam showers, and our Aqua Terrace. Yoga classes run daily for your enjoyment as well.

Written by Angela Wart, LMT  
Syracuse CNY Healing Arts Center

NOTE: Not all services/amenities mentioned in the above article are available at all locations.

Massage for Muscle Recovery Sat, 03 Aug 2013 00:00:00 +0000 Massage Therapy at CNY Healing Arts Wellness CenterSummer is the time of year when many of us spend a great deal of our time outdoors enjoying our favorite activities.  Gardening, kayaking, biking, running, walking, swimming – they all are fun ways to get outdoors and enjoy the lovely weather, and they are good for us!  However, sometimes enjoying them can be a pain—a pain in the neck, shoulders, legs, etc.!

A massage is a terrific way to work through muscle tension that we may encounter after strenuous exercise and work.  Massage relaxes the body, feels terrific, helps with inflammation, improves blood flow, reduces muscle tightness, and enhances muscle performance.

Many people take medication to ease soreness and eliminate swelling for aching muscles.  The inflammation (an immune reaction) is actually the body’s way of repairing injured cells due to tiny tears in muscle fibers caused during strenuous exercise; therefore, medication can inhibit recovery.  Recent research (published in the 2/1/2012 issue of Science Translational Medicine) shows that massage can aid in reducing inflammation and enhance cell function to actually repair cells unlike medication.

There are many different types of massage techniques, and our massage therapists work with you to meet your needs.  A deep tissue massage focuses on the area in which you are experiencing pain to give you maximum relief.  Adhesions (or bands of sore tissue) are massaged to reduce inflammation, restore proper blood circulation, and create better movement.  Massage also acts as a preventative to enhance your physical activities because it targets those muscles which you use frequently!

In addition to these physical benefits, massage therapy stimulates the nervous system that release endorphins and assist in pain relief.  Massage allows relaxation of mind and tensed-up muscles which provides relief, and can speed up recovery time – allowing you to get back to the activities that you enjoy!

Give CNY Healing Arts Centers a call and let our massage therapists give you the relief you need!

195 Intrepid Lane, Syracuse, NY 13205

38A Old Sparrowbush Road, Latham, NY 12110

2244 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14610
585.244.1280 ext. 2

Yoga for Posture Sun, 28 Jul 2013 00:00:00 +0000

Remember when we were kids, and we were told by parents, teachers, and other adults to “stand up tall” or “sit up straight”? Posture—it make us look taller, more confident, focused and alert (and even thinner)—but there’s a lot more to it than that.

Posture is responsible for the proper alignment of our vital organs and functioning of the nervous system. Poor posture over time creates negative changes in the body. The way that we sit at our desks, stand, and walk all have an effect on our body’s alignment. If we slouch or have bad posture, chronic backaches, neck pain/stiffness, and carpal tunnel symptoms can result over time. Habitual poor posture can even lead to a hunched upper back (known as excessive kyphosis) or a misalignment in the lower back (also referred to as excessive lordosis).

Yoga is an excellent way to improve posture. It also yields other health benefits such as improved circulation and digestion due to the proper alignment of the spine and organs in the body. Taking a yoga class can also help to counteract and heal the effects due to poor posture in the past. This makes yoga the perfect exercise to heal and prevent injuries due to misalignment.

The positions that are practiced in a yoga class help to strengthen the spine. The stretching can help the ligaments and muscles that support the skeletal system. Yoga also builds a stronger core which will also help to support the spine and improve posture. If the core isn’t as strong as it should be, other muscles around it such as the ones in the mid to lower back take over. This puts undue strain on the back. Much of yoga focuses on breath work, which includes sitting up tall and taking in long, deep breaths.

There are many new, exciting yoga classes held at our CNY Healing Arts Centers. Check out our yoga schedule by clicking here!

195 Intrepid Lane, Syracuse, NY 13205

2244 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14610
585.244.1280 ext. 2
