Acupuncture – CNYHealingArts Sat, 01 Jul 2023 17:56:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Stronger Body, Blissful Mind with Acupuncture Fri, 02 Jan 2015 00:00:00 +0000 Picture this: You’re lying in a quiet, peaceful room; your mind is at ease, and your body is relaxed. This is what acupuncture feels like. While you’re in this blissful state, you’re also helping to defend your body against colds and other illnesses. That’s because acupuncture is a preventative eastern medicine which boosts the immune system.

Typically, October-May is cold and flu season. Feeling run down and stressed out (especially during the busy holiday season) adds to the problem by weakening our immunity. If we have already felt overwhelmed to begin with, this can lead to chronic stress. Acupuncture can help us cope with stress, therefore, helping our bodies stay strong to fight off bacterial and viral invaders.

The acupuncture needles are extremely small, thin, and flexible (they’re roughly the diameter of two hairs or much like the diameter of a cat’s whisker!). Many clients state that they don’t feel anything at all or an ever so slight sensation when the needles are inserted. The trained and experienced acupuncturists at CNY Healing Arts Centers can help you to first feel calm through various needle insertions, and then the body follows in a very relaxed state.

The energy or ‘Qi’ in the body begins to travel more effectively, heart rate is lowered, and breathing tends to slow down as the body becomes relaxed and the energy becomes balanced.

The increased levels of cortisol that we have during times of stress decrease with acupuncture. When this occurs our body does what it’s supposed to do—fight off infections. Acupuncture also helps our immune system by increasing serotonin and endogenous opioid peptide levels which are like the body’s natural pain killers, as well as easing muscle tension. Many people note that they feel increased energy after an acupuncture session.

Give CNY Healing Arts location nearest you to start receiving all of the benefits that acupuncture has to offer.

195 Intrepid Lane, Syracuse, NY 13205

38A Old Sparrowbush Road, Latham, NY 12110

2244 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14610
585.244.1280 ext. 2


May is National Allergy Month: Try Acupuncture or Massage for Relief! Mon, 27 May 2013 00:00:00 +0000 Allergy Relief with Acupuncture and Massage - CNY Healing ArtsSpring is here and summer is just around the corner, which means, grass, tree and other pollen are already in the air. As beautiful as this time of year is, for many with allergies it can be a real challenge. The body’s natural defense is to produce excess mucous, which often creates nasal congestion, and red, itchy eyes; these can all lead to fatigue (and frustration).

According to a February 2013 report in the Annals of Internal Medicine, about 20 percent of the population suffers from allergic rhinitis (stuffy or runny nose caused by allergies) and patients that receive acupuncture treatments reported significant improvements in symptoms as well as a decreased need for any allergy medication.

Massage for allergies is also a great way to get soothing relief.  Massage can help the body’s reaction to the allergens by reducing stress and boosting your immune system, among other things.  Facial massage is great for inducing sinus drainage and relieving pressure. Headaches and congestion can also disappear, or lessen in severity, after a massage session.

If you’re looking for some relief this allergy season and would like to try acupuncture or massage (or both), give our CNY Healing Arts practitioners the opportunity to help you. Below is a list or practitioners at each of our locations that would be happy to assist you with relief from your allergy symptoms.

SYRACUSE – Call 315.671.5755 to book a session.

ALBANY – Call 518.724.5750 to book a session. 

ROCHESTER – Call 585.244.1280 to book a session. 

Eastern Influence on Foods and Herbs Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 +0000 “To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” ~Buddha

Having a healthy diet affects every part of our body and mind; what we put into our bodies nourishes our brain as well as our cells.  In the east, the belief is that diet is an extremely individualized approach and that different foods affect people differently.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, people are given food and herbs as part of the healing process according to their own unique needs.  For example, if a person was having problems with arthritis, herbs may be given and certain foods may be suggested for a reduction of inflammation. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that arthritis is brought about by climate changes, and that there are foods and herbs (Du Huo) which help to reduce things such as cold and dampness within the joints.  Foods like turnips help to stimulate the blood and the energy within the body, and alleviate pain and swelling.

Even in the Ayurveda approach which originated in India, the emphasis is on the individual and not the disorder.  The goal is to bring about balance of the ‘doshas’ or metabolic types through proper nutrition and detoxifying of the system.

Eastern practices believe that different foods carry different energies to areas of the body.  For example, cold dairy products are believed to cause dampness and, therefore, create excess mucus in the lungs.

In western culture, more often than not, medications are often prescribed for people’s ailments which sometimes carry a long list of side effects.   In the west, we tend to focus on treating the ‘ailment’ versus the person and what he/she needs.

At CNY Healing Arts, we have trained staff members to help you with nutritional needs.  Our licensed acupuncturists have knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine and herbal remedies.  Let us help you; give us a call today!

195 Intrepid Lane, Syracuse, NY 13205

38A Old Sparrowbush Road, Latham, NY 12110

2244 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14610
585.244.1280 ext. 2

The Healing Art of Cupping Fri, 23 Nov 2012 00:00:00 +0000 Cupping Therapy is a treatment in which the practitioner creates suction to the skin with a special (usually glass) cup to stimulate the blood circulation and energy flow.  This practice helps with the sore muscles, excess fluids, and pulls toxins from surface tissues.

Cupping is used to treat a wide variety of ailments, including:

  • Indigestion
  • Headaches
  • Hypertension
  • Colds/coughs/congestion due to allergy and asthma
  • Back pain
  • Nervous system/pinched nerves
  • Neck pain
  • Painful menses
  • Arthritis and joint swelling
  • Abdominal pain

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) belief, there are meridians in the body that are responsible for the flow of energy through every part of the body.  When the blood flow becomes stagnant and the energy channels are blocked, disorders or pain can arise.  Cupping is a great way of opening these meridians, and allowing the flow of energy throughout the body.

For the treatment, cups are heated and applied to the skin surface which creates a vacuum with the skin (the strength of which can be controlled and/or adjusted during the treatment) and draws up the toxins.  Once the suction has occurred, the cups can be glided along the body.

Cupping can provide relief to those with lung congestion due to allergies and asthma.  Also after suffering an injuring to an area (such as a bump on the leg), sometimes there can be fluids, stagnant blood which remain and cause blockages and pain.  Cupping can be used to provide relief for such injuries.  The therapy can also help to stimulate the lymphatic system and to detox or clean it out.

Cupping can be used alone or combined with massage or acupuncture treatments.  At CNY Healing Arts Centers, we have practitioners that are trained in the art of cupping, and would be happy to answer any questions that you may have.  Not all services are offered at all locations so call the Center nearest you for more information and let us help you on your healing journey!

195 Intrepid Lane, Syracuse, NY 13205

38A Old Sparrowbush Road, Latham, NY 12110

2244 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14610
585.244.1280 ext. 2


Eastern Medicine and Treatments Mon, 15 Oct 2012 00:00:00 +0000 Dr. Robert Kiltz, owner and director of CNY Fertility Centers and CNY Healing Arts Centers, is committed to using the art of Eastern medicine and treatments along with Western practices to achieve optimal health for his clients. This combined approach is widely recognized in the holistic services that are offered at his centers. Over the next several weeks, we will be highlighting many of these services. Among them are acupuncture, meditation and relaxation, massage and Tu Nai, the art of cupping, Moxibustion, exercise, and the Eastern nutritional/herbal approach to harmony in the body.

In Eastern medicine, the focus is on energy force (also known as the Qi, translated to “vital energy”) which travels through the body through various channels or “meridians”. Eastern medicine sees illness or disorders as imbalances in the body (Dr. Rob many times refers to this as “dis-ease”). This approach works on the root of the disorders to bring balance or “ease” into the body, allowing us to function at our best.

Traditional Eastern medicine can be traced back to the Han dynasty, and was referred to as “The Way of Long Life”. It included a diet of herbs and plants, proper exercise, and breathing techniques. As early as the 1930s, Eastern medicine was introduced in the west and has become widely acknowledged and accepted. The benefits come from looking at our health as a “whole” system, versus only specific areas of ailment.

At CNY Healing Arts Center, we have licensed acupuncturists who are learned in Eastern medicine including an array of specialties such as: allergies, the immune system, headaches, TMJ, fertility challenges, headaches, anxiety, depression, as well as many others. Not all of the services are offered at all of our locations, so please do not hesitate to contact us regarding which ones are available in your area or just to find out more about them!

195 Intrepid Lane, Syracuse, NY 13205

38A Old Sparrowbush Road, Latham, NY 12110

2244 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14610
585.244.1280 ext. 2

Detoxification Fri, 06 Jul 2012 00:00:00 +0000 Detoxification—it’s a word that’s used a lot these days, but what does it really mean? To detoxify the body means to rid it of harmful toxins and unwanted substances. Toxins enter the body through air, water, food, and even through certain medications.

There are three main routes to detoxifying the body and these are through the digestive, circulatory, and lymphatic systems. Yoga, massage, and acupuncture are all excellent ways to assist in removing the build-up of toxins that are in the body.

During yoga, the stretching and poses help the removal of wastes such as lactic acid, carbon dioxide, and lymphatic fluids, and also helps to aid in digestion. Too much lactic acid in the body around the joints can create stiffness and the pain. An excess amount of carbon dioxide inhibits the blood’s ability to carry oxygen to vital organs such as the heart and the brain causing fatigue and poor concentration. Breathing techniques that are incorporated into yoga help to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide.  The vigorous movement during a yoga class helps with the lymphatic glands, such as the thyroid, and can help to prevent a build-up of lymphatic fluids which causes swelling in the body.

Massage and acupuncture can also aid in the removal of lactic acid in the muscles, and assists the immune system by relaxing the body and lowering stress levels. Acupuncture increases the blood circulation and also has a natural diuretic effect which aids in the removal of unwanted substances. The idea behind acupuncture is that the “qi” or ‘force or energy’ circulates throughout the body via the meridians. Meridians are like channels or pathways. Qi protects the body much like the immune system and helps to keeps pathogens and toxins out.

For more information on our services, stop by and visit or call any of our locations listed below:

195 Intrepid Lane, Syracuse, NY 13205

2244 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14610
585.244.1280 ext. 2

Treating Allergies with Acupuncture Wed, 06 Jun 2012 00:00:00 +0000 The soft, white puffs of cottonwood blowing through the air this time of year resembles a snow storm!  If you live near these trees, you might find yourself having to close car windows because of the possible build-up on the seats inside.  When you’re outdoors wearing black pants, they’re covered with dots of white fluff!  It’s beautiful and peaceful to look blowing in the air; however, not only is it a nuisance for decks, cars, (and pants!); it also can be an annoying and serious problem for allergy sufferers.  On top of that, the rains of spring not only help our flowers and gardens to grow, but it forces mold and mildew to grow which can further aggravate problems.

Some of the medications that are used to help alleviate symptoms for those dealing with allergies can create side effects such as drowsiness or insomnia, irregular heartbeat, decreased alertness, and dry mouth.  Sinus infections and upper-respiratory infections often result from chronic problems with allergens.  It also tends to be a very costly problem due to days of missed work, physician appointments, and the cost of medications.

Acupuncture is a great way to get relief from seasonal allergies.  Acupuncture strengthens the immune system, detoxifies, and relaxes the body.  Unlike most medication, acupuncture can provide a break in the cycle of imbalances from environmental factors.  This in turn can create a lasting change by strengthening the body’s resistance and natural healing, and regulating the antigen-antibody reactions.

Treating allergies with acupuncture allows for a customized treatment for your needs.  Acupuncture treats the symptoms locally, but allows the energy to flow throughout the body.  Depleted energy due to the body’s constant reaction to allergens such as sneezing and congestion can be restored through acupuncture as it helps increase blood flow and therefore, increases energy levels leaving you feel revitalized and relieved!

Our acupuncturists at CNY Healing Arts Centers would love to assist you in getting the relief you need!  Please call us or just stop in and give us the opportunity to help you.  It would be our pleasure!

195 Intrepid Lane, Syracuse, NY 13205

38A Old Sparrowbush Road, Latham, NY 12110

2244 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14610
585.244.1280 ext. 2


Acupunture for TMJ Relief Wed, 29 Feb 2012 00:00:00 +0000 Temporomandibular joint disorder or ‘TMJ’ is an acute or chronic inflammation of the joint which connects the lower jawbone to the skull.  Acupuncture has been shown to help relax these targeted muscles and decrease the overall stress level in the body to relieve discomfort.

There are 10 million Americans who suffer from TMJ Disorder.    There are many symptoms associated with TMJ, such as:

• Biting or chewing difficulty or discomfort
• Clicking, popping, or grating sound when opening or closing the mouth
• Dull, aching pain in the face
• Earache (particularly in the morning)
• Headache (particularly in the morning)
• Hearing loss
• Migraine (particularly in the morning)
• Jaw pain or tenderness of the jaw
• Reduced ability to open or close the mouth
• Tinnitus
• Neck and shoulder pain
• Dizziness

One of the main causes of TMJ is stress; however, some other causes may include:   bruxism (repetitive unconscious clenching or grinding of teeth, often at night), trauma, improper alignment of the jaw and teeth, degenerative joint disease, myofascial pain, or even excessive gum chewing and nail biting.

Acupuncture helps to relax the muscles surrounding the jaw, which also lowers stress and helps to alleviate the symptoms of TMJ.  Acupuncture directly targets the main source of pain by providing balance to the mind and body.  It also targets the network of energy channels known as meridians, which in turn allows the neuromascular tension in the jaw to diminish. Blockages then are opened and pain and stiffness subsides.  Acupuncture can also help to release endorphins, as well as serotonin which helps to reduce pain.

An article published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (Vol 15, no. 12, 2009) reported muscle activity in the jaw was reduced at rest, during jaw protrusion, and while clenching following acupuncture treatment. In addition, patients were able to bite down harder without pain.

Our acupuncturists at CNY Healing Arts Centers would love to assist you in getting the relief you need!  Please call us or just stop in and give us the opportunity to help you. It would be our pleasure!

191 Intrepid Lane, Syracuse, NY 13205

38A Old Sparrowbush Road, Latham, NY 12110

2244 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14610
585.244.1280 ext. 2

Positive Energy: The Secret to Healing at CNY Healing Arts Centers Thu, 09 Feb 2012 00:00:00 +0000 Below is an article written by Jessie Briel, One of our past Manager’s at our CNY Healing Arts Center in Rochester, NY that was published in Messenger Posts Health Section.

Picture this: You finally find the time to use the CNY Healing Arts Wellness Center & Spa gift card that you received as a birthday present. As the end of your work day approaches, your mind becomes more aware of your body. The tension in your neck and shoulders from craning over your keyboard all day becomes more apparent as the clock ticks toward closing time. Before long, you are scooting out to your car, crawling through the rush hour traffic, and arrive at CNY Healing Arts. Your nose wrinkles as you half-jog to the entrance through the chilly winter air. As you push through the thick mahogany door, your body is enveloped in warmth. A welcoming, friendly face greets you with a smile and kindly asks to hang your coat for you.

As the receptionist leads you to the lobby, you pass through the Fertile Grounds Café, where CNY’s very own barista offers to take your drink order. You choose a Café Latte made with Gimme! Coffee Espresso, Ithaca’s finest, repeatedly voted top espresso bar by the New York Times. You enter the spa lobby and sink into the plush leather couch, letting every muscle in your body fully release for the first time in what seems like an eternity. You slowly sip your drink, allowing it warm you from the inside out. The glow from the fireside dances across your cheeks, and you begin to remember what it truly means to feel at home.

Dr. Robert Kiltz, Owner and Founder of CNY Healing Arts and CNY Fertility Center, believes that first impressions are lasting impressions. From the wellness center’s enticing aesthetic atmosphere to the 5-star customer care that our staff strives to provide our clients with each and every day, just sitting in the lobby is a treatment within itself. What’s our secret? Positive energy.

Positive energy is the foundation of all 3 of Dr. Kiltz’s centers, housed in Rochester, Syracuse and Albany. He empowers his staff and clients to think and speak with positive words and to always envision success in any area of life. This energy is contagious and flows throughout the center freely, rejuvenating the spirits of its guests.  This feeling goes far beyond the lobby:  it embodies every practitioner, every treatment and every service that CNY Healing Arts provides. When you finally find some much-deserved time to pamper yourself, CNY Healing Arts offers a plethora of services to help you reach your goals.


Let’s start with massage therapy. We know that our clients have a wide range of needs that cannot be confined to one type of massage. So, we chose to name our service “Custom Massage”, so that we could give our clients carte blanche to tailor their treatment to their needs and to allow our therapists to create this perfect fit with no restrictions. We also provide Maya Abdominal Massage, which is a specialized type of therapy that aids in relieving symptoms related to digestive issues such, uterine alignment, irregular menstruation, fertility issues, breeched positioning of baby during pregnancy, frequent urination, migraines and much more.


Acupuncture is a component of Traditional Chinese Medicine that serves to balance the energy and blood flow in your body. Tiny, hair-thin needles are used on specific points on your body, depending on the symptoms you choose to treat. The most common misconception is that this treatment inflicts pain! Our Licensed acupuncturists are very gentle and experienced. Our treatments are performed with precision and grace, ensuring that you are as comfortable as humanly possible while receiving your acupuncture treatment, allowing us to maximize the benefits that you receive from your treatment. Acupuncture treats countless symptoms, a few being pain relief, fertility issues, facial rejuvenation, nausea associated with pregnancy, addiction (including smoking cessation), and more!


CNY Healing Arts in Rochester partnered with Aveda to provide natural, environmentally-friendly skincare treatments for our clients. Whether you’re looking to perfect your skin with a facial or get your makeup done for an event or wedding, we have anything and everything you need at your disposal! CNY Estheticians perform Aveda facials, skin resurfacing treatments such as plant peels or gomage treatments, body wraps & scrubs, Aveda makeup applications and even makeup lessons! In addition, CNY offers waxing & nail services. We recently added Harmony Gelish® gel manicures and pedicures to our list of specialties!


Balance and stress reduction are two huge benefits of practicing yoga at CNY Healing Arts. Aside from the far-reaching physical benefits of yoga, it also calms & soothes your mind and soul. CNY’s intimate studio houses classes of less than 20 students, promoting more one-on-one time with the instructors and allowing students to tailor the class to their needs for each class. Each CNY instructor is dedicated to improving the practice of their students, guiding them step by step. We have many classes for beginners at CNY, and your first class here is free! Consider this a personal invitation to stop by, take a breath, de-stress and leave class feeling nothing short of carefree.

Dr. Kiltz created CNY Healing Arts Wellness Center & Spa with a purpose: stress reduction for his clients. Every day, we exercise positive energy and healing modalities to leave our clients feeling renewed, refreshed and rejuvenated.


Ayurveda: Healing & Balance with Yoga, Meditation, Diet, Herbs and More Tue, 31 Jan 2012 00:00:00 +0000 Ayurveda is an Indian holistic, healing system in which the universal life force manifests into certain doshas or energies.  The three doshas or “forces” are known as:  Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.  We are all made up of a combination of these forces.   However, these can fluctuate, and we may have excesses which cause imbalances in our lives, and balancing them will help bring about harmony.

The following are just some general characteristics which each of the doshas may possess:

Vata: Small frame, anxious and creative personality types, dry skin/hair, enjoys sour/salty foods

Pitta: Medium frame, driven personality types, oily hair/skin, enjoy sweet/bitter foods

Kapha: Large frame, relaxed personality types, smooth skin, enjoys sweet/pungent foods

Doshas can fluctuate for many reasons such as stress, age, and diet.  One must determine their imbalances as they can result in different effects on the body.  For example, an excess or imbalance of each dosha can be seen in the following ways:

Excess Vata can cause disturbances with the large intestine, nervous system, immune system, and joints.

Excess Pitta can results in problems with the small intestines, liver, spleen, thyroid, blood, skin, and eyes.

Excess Kapha can result in issues with the stomach, lungs, mucous/water retention, and weight gain.

These balances can be corrected by the foods that we eat, yoga, massage, meditation, facials, detox, herbs, or other methods.  Generally, “the opposite” balances.  For example, the Vata can benefit from grounding and calming treatments, warm, sweet foods such as casseroles, stews, and soups, and their yoga should create warmth and serenity.  The Pitta can benefit from invigorating and energizing treatments, non-spicy foods and plenty of vegetables, and a yoga that encourages compassion and a relaxed effort.  The Kapha benefits from soothing treatments, invigorating the mind with light, spicy foods, and their exercise should be stimulating and vigorous.

Our practitioners at CNY Healing Arts would love the opportunity to assist you with creating balance in your life and within yourself. Please call us or visit us soon.

191 Intrepid Lane, Syracuse, NY 13205

38A Old Sparrowbush Road, Latham, NY 12110

2244 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14610
585.244.1280 ext. 2
