Fertility – CNYHealingArts https://www.cnyhealingarts.com Mon, 22 Aug 2011 00:00:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.2 Maya Abdominal Massage for Tilted Uterus https://www.cnyhealingarts.com/maya-abdominal-massage-for-tilted-uterus/ Mon, 22 Aug 2011 00:00:00 +0000 http://cnyhealing.wpengine.com/maya-abdominal-massage-for-tilted-uterus/ Dr. Rosita Arvigo, developer of the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage, learned her healing methods from the great Maya Shaman of Belize, Don Elijio Panti. He believed that the center of a woman is her uterus, and if it is out of balance, so is she.

Maya Abdominal Massage aims to improve the position and vitality of your pelvic and abdominal organs. Among other benefits, the technique is renowned for correction of the prolapsed, fallen, or tilted uterus.

In normal position, a woman’s uterus is held in the center of her pelvis (leaning slightly over her bladder) by muscles, the vaginal wall, and ligaments that secure it to all sides of her pelvis. When a woman undergoes pregnancy, her uterine ligaments stretch to accommodate the growing fetus.

If these ligaments and muscles become weakened or loosened, it could cause a woman’s uterus to shift out of place – downward, forward, backward, or to either side. A uterus in any of these positions is commonly called tilted or prolapsed.

When the uterus shifts place, it can cut off the regular flow of blood and lymph fluids, as well as disrupt functioning of the nervous system. These constrictions can wreak havoc on a woman’s body, affecting her digestive and urinary tracts, reproduction, circulatory system, lymph nodes, muscular and skeletal systems, and more.

Modern medicine has little to nothing to offer these women. Options may include a birth control pill, muscle relaxants, or surgery, but there are always potential side effects to these treatments. Maya Abdominal Massage is an entirely non-invasive therapy that works to shift the uterus back into place, thereby restoring balance and health to a woman’s body and life.

This unique method of massage helps to flush out toxins and to restore the balance of nutrients that are essential for healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery. It also addresses past scarring due to invasive practices like cesarean delivery and the treatment of fibroid tumors and endometriosis.

Women who have a prolapsed uterus may suffer from any of these physical or emotional effects, these being just a few:

  • Depression
  • Fertility complications
  • Painful sexual intercourse
  • Lower back or pelvic pain
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Gastritis, or Chrohn’s Disease
  • Chronic constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, or heartburn
  • Painful or irregular periods or ovulation
  • Chronic miscarriages
  • Premature deliveries
  • Bladder infections or frequent urination
  • Numbness in the legs and feet, especially when standing still for a while
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine Polyps, Fibroids, or infections
  • Vaginitis

If you are interested in learning more about Maya Massage please feel free to call our CNY Healing Art Center in Rochester (585) 244-1280 Ext. 2


Maya Abdominal Massage-Uterine Position & Infertility https://www.cnyhealingarts.com/video-maya-abdominal-massage-uterine-position-infertility/ Fri, 01 Jul 2011 00:00:00 +0000 http://cnyhealing.wpengine.com/video-maya-abdominal-massage-uterine-position-infertility/

Hello, my name is Erika Lutwin, Licensed Massage Therapist and a certified Maya Abdominal Practitioner here at CNY Healing Arts in Syracuse.  I’m talking just a few minutes today more about the Maya Abdominal Therapy.  Maya Abdominal Therapy has been practiced here in the Syracuse location for two years; we’ve had a great deal of success with this.  The idea behind the Maya Abdominal Therapy is that we’re dealing with the uterus and guiding the uterus back into position.  The uterus is held into place by ten ligaments.  Those ligaments attach back on the sacral area.  It’s very easy for the uterus to become displaced.  It could be from a bad fall on the tailbone, or sacral area, it could be from a past pregnancy.  What this is doing, it leads to the uterus becoming displaced.  When the uterus becomes displaced, sometimes fertility is an issue, sometimes menstrual cycles are very irregular or they don’t happen at all.  So, what we’re doing is trying to guide the uterus back into its optimum place.

We need a little bit of time when we’re doing this.  Many times when people are setting up an IUI or IVF cycle, they’re coming in the day before or the week before.  We like to have people come in a few times, spread out over a number of weeks so that we can get things kind of going and make those changes happen.   We also teach you self-care.  That’s where we notice the biggest changes come from is the actual self-care.  That only takes us about 5 minutes a day.  At a typical session, we have you come in and fill out a very-detailed intake form where we’re going to ask you certain questions; we do the treatment, and then teach you the self-care.  Then what we do is we like to have you come back every two or three weeks, again spread out over a few months.  Then, we just kind of go with it.  We just see if the changes are going to happen and adjust as needed.  One of the things that we really do encourage people if you’re coming in and if you’re doing a consult is to come over next door; or if you’re in the Albany or Rochester area location, talking to the Maya Abdominal practitioner, and setting up a meeting or a consult.  We can go over a little bit further your health history and we can talk to you a little bit further about what we can do to help you.

If you have any questions, feel free to call us or email us at any time.  Thank you for your time.

Erika Lutwin, LMT
CNY Healing Arts Center, Syracuse
191 Intrepid Lane, Syracuse, NY 13205

*As of March 2020 The Arvigo Techniques of Mayaa Abdominal Massage are currently only offered at our CNY Rochester Location.

*We do offer fertility massage in Syracuse and Albany.


Your Core Health – Relieving Digestive and Reproductive System Ailments with Maya Abdominal Massage https://www.cnyhealingarts.com/your-core-health-relieving-digestive-and-reproductive-system-ailments-with-maya-abdominal-massage/ Wed, 16 Mar 2011 00:00:00 +0000 http://cnyhealing.wpengine.com/your-core-health-relieving-digestive-and-reproductive-system-ailments-with-maya-abdominal-massage/

I never dreamed as a massage therapist of being able to help people in such profound ways. Two years ago, my journey as a healer led me to learn The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy. Since then, I have been blessed to assist hundreds of women and men heal, release and navigate through life with no pain.

Abdominal massage has been known and practiced by healers for thousands of years. Throughout history, healers in Central America (home of the Maya) have used these techniques to assist men and women with their digestive and reproductive health.

My teacher, Rosita Arvigo, learned from several healers over 30 years that she spent living in Central America. Her mentors, Don Elijio Panti, a great Maya shaman of Belize and Miss Hortence Robinson, a renowned herbal midwife in Belize, represent an unbroken chain of knowledge passed down from generation to generation. I feel blessed to be a link in this chain and to be able to offer ATMAT to the Rochester community.

The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy (ATMAT) is an external, non-invasive manipulation using only hands to reposition reproductive organs and improve blood flow to digestive organs. It is gentle and supports the body’s natural healing power. The inherent ability to be self-regulating, self-healing and self-regenerating is known as homeostasis, or balance within. ATMAT works by improving organ function by relieving congestion and blockages to improve the flow of fluids of the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems to prevent the progression of chronic disease and symptomology.

A typical ATMAT treatment session starts with a comprehensive review of personal history and health care needs. This is followed by a back and abdominal massage as well as stretching to align the pelvis. Additional techniques are sometimes applied to complement the ATMAT techniques such as Reiki, Swedish or deep tissue massage. Last but not least, the session ends with a consult focused on lifestyle choices and self care techniques that can be applied at home. Follow up sessions are based on individual goals and results.

The techniques are used both as a preventative measure as well as to treat acute symptoms. The most common symptoms relieved by ATMAT treatment:


* Displaced or prolapsed uterus * Painful periods and/or ovulation * Irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation * No menstruation at all * Recurrent pregnancy loss * Fertility issues * Bladder or yeast infections * Endometriosis * Uterine polyps * Painful intercourse * PMS/depression * Ovarian cysts * Peri menopause, menopausal symptoms * Discomforts of pregnancy (UTI’s, sciatica, low back pain, indigestion, heartburn, varicose veins, constipation, headaches, stretch marks, round ligament pain, edema, pain in pubic bone or tail bone) * Breech positioning of baby during pregnancy

MEN: * Early stages of prostate swelling * BPH * Prostatitis

EVERYONE: * Headaches/migraines * Digestive disorders * Chrohn’s disease * Frequent urination * Alleviates varicose veins

To learn more about Maya Abominal Therapy, visit www.arvigomassage.com or www.cnyhealingarts.com.

About the author:
Erin McCollough, LMT, RYT

Erin uses her twelve years experience of practicing complementary medicine to help nurture and support healing for women and men. Erin attended both Penn State University and Syracuse University to obtain a Bachelors of Science. While attending Syracuse University, Erin enrolled in a yoga class. That choice has forever changed her life. Since then, she obtained a degree from the Onondaga School of Therapeutic Massage and is both a NYS licensed massage therapist as well as a nationally certified massage therapist through the NCBTMB. In addition, Erin completed the Essential Yoga Teacher Training with Francois Raoult, is a Registered Yoga Teacher through the Yoga Alliance, and has completed both professional training in The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy (ATMAT) and advanced ATMAT for fertility and pregnancy ( www.arvigomassage.com). Her own journey into motherhood is her inspiration for assisting women to obtain optimal fertility and reproductive health.

Erin can be reached at: EMcCollough@cnyhealingarts.com

Nutrition for Fertility: Vitamins and Nutrients https://www.cnyhealingarts.com/nutrition-for-fertility-vitamins-nutrients-and-a-yummy-recipe/ Wed, 02 Mar 2011 00:00:00 +0000 http://cnyhealing.wpengine.com/nutrition-for-fertility-vitamins-nutrients-and-a-yummy-recipe/ As you go through your day-to-day routine, it can be hard to keep track of your vitamin intake. Plus, when you eat out more than you eat in, it makes it even harder to know what nutrients you are lacking.

On the other hand, when you’re trying to get pregnant (or be healthier in general) there are certain essential nutrients you want to include in your diet. Maybe you already knew that, but did you know that supplements like iron and Vitamin E might reduce the risk of miscarriage? Also, did you know that a deficiency of zinc could reduce testosterone levels, shrink testicle size, and produce unhealthy sperm in men? Lucky for you, we have some healthy tips and a delicious recipe for a fertility-boosting diet.

Fertility-Boosting Nutrients:


• Helps prevent miscarriage
• Is the main component of hemoglobin, which transport oxygen to all the parts of the body
• During pregnancy, a woman’s blood supply increases to supply nutrition to the growing fetus
• Coffee and tobacco inhibit the absorption of iron

You can get it from: leafy greens like spinach, broccoli, fish, strawberries, lean organic meats, whole grains, dried fruit like prunes, nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds. How much: it can range anywhere from 20 mg/day to 120 mg/day (if diagnosed with iron deficiency)

Folic acid

• Necessary to produce and protect your baby’s genes (DNA and RNA)
• Can prevent brain and spinal cord issues from developing in an embryo
• Vitamin C aids in absorption

You can get it from: dark leafy veggies, milk, asparagus, oatmeal, avocados, oranges, broccoli, organ meats, whole grains, oysters, salmon, dried figs, legumes. How much: 200 mg/day to 400 mg/day, depending on where you are in your pregnancy


• Essential to keep your bones strong during pregnancy
• Helps build your baby’s skeleton properly

You can get it from: milk, yogurt, tofu and soy products, edamame, broccoli, leafy green veggies, sesame seeds. How much: 1200 mg/day


• In women, it helps your body make use of necessary reproductive hormones (maintaining the menstrual cycle)
• In men, it can raise sperm count and is needed in the outer layer and tail of sperm
• Deficiency can damage chromosomes (which reduces fertility and risks miscarriage) as well as reduce testosterone levels, shrink testicle size, and produce unhealthy sperm in men
• Important for cell division

You can find it in: beef, venison, poultry, seafood, eggs, whole grains, beans, whole fat dairy products, seeds like sunflower and pumpkin, almonds, oysters, rye, oats, mushrooms, molasses. How much: around 15 mg/day


• A baby-making essential
• Deficiency could cause faulty ovulation and prevent the making of necessary hormones
• Vitamin C aid absorption

You can find it in: whole grains, green leafy veggies like spinach, carrots, bananas, broccoli, pineapple, legumes, nuts, eggs, oats, and rye. How much: around 2 mg/day

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

• B6 is essential for proper creation and functioning of female sex hormones (encourages production of progesterone)
• Shown to improve fertility rates if taken over a 6 month period
• Deficiency can cause irregular menstrual cycles, an imbalance of hormones, and poor egg and sperm development
• Zinc is needed for absorption of B6
• You will quickly use up your store of B6 by smoking, drinking lots of caffeine, and eating white flour and refined bread products

You can find it in: whole grains, nuts, seeds, brown rice, green leafy veggies, organ meats, egg yolks, fish, poultry, legumes. How much: RDA is around 2 mg/day, but could be much more

Vitamin E

• Plays a significant role in sperm production and hormone production
• Deficiency may cause miscarriage and faulty sperm
• Take with Vitamin C and selenium to improve ovulation and boost health of the uterine lining
• Consult a doctor if taking with blood thinners

You can find it in: cold pressed oils, wheat germ, organ meats, eggs, sweet potatoes, leafy veggies, nuts, seeds, whole grains, avocados, molasses. How much: 400 mg/day

Omega-3 fats

• Essential for healthy growth and development of your baby
• Crucial for healthy hormone functioning (hormone regulator)
• Increases cervical fluid and blood flow to reproductive organs
• Promotes healthy ovulation in women and healthy semen production in men
• Consult a doctor if taking blood thinners

You can find it in: flaxseed, fish oil, nuts like walnuts, green leafy veggies, fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel.
How much: 700 mg/day to 1000 mg/day

Fertility-Boosting Recipe: Spinach Lentil Soup


1 cup carrots, shredded
1 large onion, chopped
1 tablespoon olive oil
6 cups water
1 (16 oz) jar of your favorite salsa
1 ¼ cups dried lentils, rinsed
¾ teaspoon salt
1 (10 oz) package fresh spinach, torn

How you’ll make it:

1. In a large saucepan or Dutch oven, sauté carrots and onion in oil until tender.
2. Add water, salsa, lentils, and salt; bring to a boil.
3. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 50 minutes to 1 hour or until lentils are tender.
4. Stir in spinach and simmer 5-10 minutes longer or until spinach is wilted. Recipe yields 6 servings.
5. Serve and enjoy!

Maya Abdominal Massage for Men https://www.cnyhealingarts.com/maya-abdominal-massage-for-men/ Mon, 10 Jan 2011 00:00:00 +0000 http://cnyhealing.wpengine.com/maya-abdominal-massage-for-men/ Maya abdominal massage is a non-invasive, external method of healing. It involves manipulation of the abdomen and pelvis in order to release physical and emotional congestion or blockages within the body. Although abdominal massage techniques have changed invariably over the years, the method we use today at CNY Healing Arts was largely developed by master herbalist and naprapathic (a branch of chiropractic) physician Dr. Rosita Arvigo.

This treatment is not recommended immediately after abdominal surgery or where an active infection or cancer is present in the pelvic region. In addition, those who receive a Maya abdominal massage should be cautious of whom they allow to perform the technique. The importance of a licensed practitioner is immense!

Here at CNY Healing Arts we have a select staff of practitioners who are all either certified in The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy (ATMAT), which includes Maya abdominal massage, or are working towards their certification. At our Syracuse branch, Erika Lutwin and John Capozzi are our licensed massage therapists who are both certified in ATMAT. Both Erika and John specialize in orthopedic, sports, injury, deep tissue, and pre-natal massage, among others. Erika is also the coordinator of Rainforest Remedies for all three of our Healing Arts centers. To contact John or Erika, email them at jcapozzi@cnyhealingarts.com and elutwin@cnyhealingarts.com respectively.

At our Rochester branch, Erin McCollough is our very talented and licensed massage therapist. She has completed both professional training in The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy and advanced ATMAT for fertility and pregnancy. Erin has experienced her own journey into motherhood, which has been provided ample inspiration for her work. To contact Erin, email her at emccollough@cnyhealingarts.com.

At our Albany branch, Kristen Marie Crumb is our licensed massage therapist who is certified in ATMAT and also has certifications in Lymphatic Facilitation, Prenatal Massage, Reiki, and Reflexology. Email Kristen at kcrumb@cnyhealingarts.com with any questions or comments.

For men, Maya abdominal massage can help:

  • Prevent swelling and congestion of the prostate
  • Relieve headaches/migraines
  • Improve medical conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Gastro Esophogeal Reflux (GERD), Chrohn’s disease, and Gastritis
  • Align the pelvic bones
  • Soften musculature
  • Improve chronic constipation
  • Enhance circulation of blood and lymph fluids
  • Balance hormones
  • Improve indigestion/heartburn
  • Alleviate varicose veins
  • Improve premature ejaculation
  • Address impotency problems
  • Improve frequent urination
What Can Fish Oil Do For You? https://www.cnyhealingarts.com/what-can-fish-oil-do-for-you/ Wed, 26 Aug 2009 00:00:00 +0000 http://cnyhealing.wpengine.com/what-can-fish-oil-do-for-you/ If you’re interested in enhancing your fertility, you’ve probably heard about fish oil. It’s in the news, in fertility books and health care providers are talking about it more and more.

What it comes down to is fish oil is full of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs).  Omega-3 EFAs are important because doctor and health care providers are discovering they help suppress natural killer cells, moderate rheumatoid arthritis, help reduce endometriosis, decrease inflammation and increase uterine blood flow to prevent clotting (which in some cases leads to miscarriage). Once you’re pregnant, they help by creating an environment in the body that is conducive to a healthy brain and nervous system in the fetus.

Like many vitamins and supplements all fish oil capsules are not equal in quality or benefit. Lower grades of fish oil not only taste funny, but may be created with parts of the fish that contain high levels of toxins. And vegetable forms of Omega-3 EFAs are not digested as well leaving a lot of potential benefit wasted. However, pharmaceutical grade fish oils, such as the Usana brand that CNY Fertility Center has available to clients (Biomega 3), not only have a wonderful citrus aftertaste, but are certified to be free of all the things you don’t want such as heavy metal toxins.

As an acupuncturist, I’m often prescribing fish oil to clients who are in the fertility process. Any one who has painful periods, scar tissue, endometriosis, fibroids, cysts or autoimmune issues, I suggest they take Biomega 3 2000-4000mg/day.  For all females trying to conceive I suggest 2000mg/day. For men with varicocele or morphology issues, I recommend 2000mg/day along with herbs and Proflavanol 90 http://www.cnyfertility.usana.com/.
Healthy Wishes,
Heather Smith L.a.c.
